Monday, October 28, 2013

Healing For a Prophetic Feeler

Prophetic Feelers need regular scheduled healing and times of restoration!  The more intense the season you are in the more absolutely necessary it is to be intentional about finding healing and restoration on a weekly basis.  I came into this deep conviction and revelation just last week. 

In some ways it does not seem that this is a new revelation. All believers need times of refreshing, restoration and healing.  However, visiting Bethel Church in Redding in February created a fresh beginning place and canvas in my understanding and experience of myself as a Feeler.  While I was there the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit began to teach me and show me aspects of who I was and how it was tied into Prophetic Feeling.   Now 8 months later as I battle with some of the same levels of fatigue and sadness I can see a cycle and pattern emerging.  I would like to share a few of these revelations with you so that you can find greater help and healing as a Feeler or facilitate healing for the Feelers you know.

The power and presence of God is strong at Bethel.  You can sense the power and presence of God even as you turn onto the road to drive a half mile up to the main parking lot.  It is rather fun to plug into that atmosphere as a Feeler, because you can feel the HS and you can feel so many things coming alive into another higher dimension.  I am not sure even how to describe it.  It just feels like colors and life are exploding and breaking out everywhere. The second day I was there I was in worship and the Father showed me a picture of myself as hundreds of little teacups set out in spiraled circles.  Each cup was beautiful with an intricate design and each cup was half filled with brackish black water.  He told me that the cups represented the little receivers in my being and body.  He showed me that the cells of my body each had a feeler receiver attached to them.  Then with the picture he taught me that my cells and these receivers had a memory bank (if you will) in them and that right now all they could remember and all they were full of was the grief, pain and struggle I had been through in the last few months.  This was represented by the brackish water in them.

Standing in the rich atmosphere of Bethel and worship I was able to see and understand that my feeler receivers were full up with these painful and heavy emotions and sensations yet realize that not all of my experiences in the last few months were heavy and painful.  I had gone through so much troubling and hard things that my feeler receivers and their memory banks were dominated by experiences and the therefore the default setting or sense of feeling was a heavy sadness.  
*Let me say at this point that I understand there can be other physical and psychological factors such as depression or grief that can lead to any person living with a default feeling of sadness in seasons.  I respect and understand these other factors but here I am focusing on dynamics unique to Feelers.*

Once the Father had shown and taught me the little teacups filled with brackish water, I asked him to wash out and renew my feeler receivers and reset my memory banks to remember heaven and His love more than anything else.  It took three days but that is what He did!  In many times of worship and just being in  his presence I had to choose to let go of the heavy feelings and offered them up to the Father to wash away.  The Holy Spirit and the Father gave me multiple times of soaking and experiencing his presence.  He reminded me of his love and his dedication and faithfulness towards me and his delight in who he had made me to be.

Through this experience I have understood how important it is for Feelers to find times of refreshing to remember and experience the goodness of God, the goodness of life and the simple and beautiful things.  Faith is not based in our feelings but as Feelers intense and extended times of grief, pain or hardship can lead us to having our default settings reset to sadness so that darkness seems more real and powerful than Kingdom hope and light. 


  1. Grand slam home run with this one. Thank you for sharing and enlightening me to what's really happening in me. <3

  2. Thank you Donna! You honor me. I appreciate the encouragement! I'm really glad this helped in some way. Right on!

  3. I've recently been awakened to the realization that I'm a feeler. For a long time I've been able to pick up others feelings but it wasn't until it was pointed out to me that i made the connection that it was prophetic gift from the Lord. It's just the way I'm hard wired and this article really ministers to me. Thank you. I'm still learning to not claim others feelings as my own especially when they are sad or discouraged. I'm so grateful for the holy spirit.

    1. Hi Rachel!

      Thanks for dropping a note. Oh yes, the struggle of not claiming, taking on or keeping the feelings of others or heavy atmospheres this is one of the biggest ongoing struggles I have as well. Yep I agree the negative feelings are especially challenging to wipe off and keep off. Of course if we get bombarded by joy that tends to be a good thing. :-) I am so grateful too. The Holy Spirit is teaching me how this works and I know He will also be teaching you!

  4. i iwsh i knew what iwas, but this makes a lot of sense. i am trying to not have a 'mmindset' that keeps out the renewal. my doctor wants me to try effexor. i don't think that is my problem.

    1. Elizabeth first you are an amazing daughter of heaven! This is first and most wonderful. Don't worry about labels and titles and categories-like Feeler. If some of these articles speak to you then stick around and glean what ever speaks to you. Meds are not always a bad idea. Sometimes the medicine we get from the doctor can be a grace that Papa gives us as we walk into more healing and wholeness. Physical chemical imbalances may not be the source of your struggle but they can be affected if we are under depression or in grief for a long time. I like to take a both/and approach. Go after greater revelation, and seek healing and follow HS and his leading. He may use medicine to help. Its not for everyone, but I took them for a few years while I Papa was healing some major wounds. :-)

  5. Thank you. It's true. In a way, I can verify this because while at Bethel myself for a year I noticed how greatly my prophetic gifting came to the fore. Getting words for others that were spot on in their lives verified that I was walking in that realm of spiritual "sensitivity". Once identified, learning how to navigate this "feeling" gift is the path I am still walking, especially in personal hard times of testing such as now. What's legitimately my own and what am I picking up around me....or both? Obviousley staying in the Presence, Truth and encouragement of God get's our soul's into check, but it can become a confusing walk of ups and downs with proper navigation tools for discernment of spirits. Kris Valloton's personal testimony.."Here come the Prophets", speaks on this. He thought he was insane....and MUCH spiritual battle comes into the mix to dismay us and keep the gift we have for others from taking root. Outside of the obvious refreshing times in The Spirit, it would seen that there is a real need for spiritual counseling here. The new age and psychic circles do a much better job of attracting and guiding people it would seem...and unfortunatley that's where many "feelers" end up because the church is not equiped to help. It's not a healing prayer session we nessesarily's navigation tools. Hope that makes sense. Shalom-Jim

  6. Jim!

    I so appreciate your thoughtful and honest perspective. Thank you for speaking up and sharing your experience. I found myself saying "Yes!" and "Totally!" to much of your experience and conclusions. I totally resonate and agree that:
    * Once identifying Prophetic Feeling, learning to navigate the feeling gift is the journey! True Dat! That is where I am at, and I honestly believe it will be something I will always be growing in.
    * What is legitimately my own and what am I picking up on around or outside? - That really is the point of struggle!
    * Love how you said we need to keep our souls in check. I would probably call it soul check/soul care but yeah!
    * Confusing walk of ups and downs, and thinking at times you are going insane. - Oh for sure! Sometimes I though I was bi-polar or some other mood disorder.
    * Likely very true about Feelers ending up with the New Age movement
    * We don't need another healing prayer session we need navigation tools! Booyah! I would take the first if offered (it doesn't hurt) but agree that the second is the true need!

    Lets ask for that! Papa seems to be doing something with this, and bringing revelation. There is a lot of interest and response to this blog, which really surprised me. At the same time He has brought some help and revelation, bit by bit. Thanks for sharing Jim!
