Thursday, May 16, 2013

Prophetic Feeling as A Gift

Prophetic Feeling, like all gifts of the Holy Spirit was intended to be a gift of and for the Kingdom of God.  Since beginning this journey to embrace, understand and then move in this gift of prophetic feeling I have discovered others just like myself.  Walking in relationship with other Feelers has helped tremendously in identifying aspects of my experience and struggle that are rooted in Prophetic Feeling.  All four of us struggle constantly with how to not be completely drained and overcome by emotions and intense situations we find ourselves in on a regular daily basis.  Many of us end up put more energy into trying to manage and survive the gift, than moving in it intentionally to release and build into the Kingdom.  We are not immature or new believers and many of our company have walked with Jesus for 20-30 years.  This is why I began this blog.  The ultimate purpose of this blog is to grow in understanding, wisdom and revelation for how to embrace and move in Prophetic Feeling as a powerful gift. Having said that, here is a some brief bullet points highlighting the times that I have been able to appreciate and move in the gift of Prophetic Feeling.

* At work in a meeting with a client, I was talking and suddenly felt the client shut down and leave.  Felt like an empty space, standing in a room that has just been emptied of a crowd.  I then stopped and asked the client if she had shut-down and left the conversation.  Indeed she had and I was able to then stop and ask her what caused her to shut-down.

* Another time, a client telling some of the most shameful and painful details of her life.  She could barely find the words and I had a hard time  understanding what she was saying as she wept. Shifting my focus to feeling, I could feel intense shame, vulnerability, felt dirty and stupid.  This was not fun to experience, but I was able to understand and speak life into one of her most painful moments from her past.  I simply said, "I can see how that would cause you to feel dirty, cut down and demeaned".  When she nodded, I had confirmation I was on the right track and spoke life.

*Working with kids, small children I can easily sense what is upsetting to them. I can tell if they are embarrassed, overwhelmed, excited or angry.  When a child, especially a young child cannot find or does not yet have words to explain or understand what they are feeling, I am able to reach out and feel what is going on and then help and provide an appropriate response.  Kids put their emotions and experience on blast, there is no filter, which is why it can be very rewarding and highly draining at the same time.  I love kids.

* Another time I walked into a situation with a large meeting at work where the Holy Spirit was moving on one person and she was manifesting a mix of things. I could feel the distress and confusion of the crowd.  I was tired and honestly did not want to deal with it, so I left and the HS told me to "Get back in there!"  So I did and took leadership of the moment, offering some guidance and pastoring of the moment for the women who had never experienced anything like it before and were frightened and confused.

* At times I can feel the presence of Angels around me in groups or individual angels.  I am learning to feel the difference at times between an angel, or the presence of God and the Holy Spirit.

* Practically while driving, I can change lanes and feel when other drivers are about to cut into my path, or feeling lethargic. I can sense when groups of people in cars fall under a mindset of caution, of traffic or fear and go out and around (have done this without realizing I am).

* I often can sense the general direction geographically of my friends or group in a crowd, in a restaurant, or at the mall.  This is not fool proof but often I head in the direction I am sensing and then zero in on them as I get closer. I can feel when a friend of mine arrives or enters my atmosphere especially at home.  I first discovered this while waiting for a friend at a restaurant, something pricked me to awareness and I realized my friend had arrived.  Minutes later she walked into the door.

Alright that is all for now.  If you have any questions or want to share your own experiences feel free to leave a comment. I will not be able to respond to all of them but when I can respond I will.


  1. Wow this was so helpful! I've been looking for resources on how not to feel overwhelmed by spiritual atmospheres or other things that are going on! It's so encouraging to hear that other people have had similar experiences!! Thank you so much for sharing your insight! :)

    Machaela Moore

    1. Well cool! You are so welcome. Thanks for stopping by. 😊
